Silver is usually termed as poor man’s Gold. A soft, white, lustrous transition metal, it possesses the highest electrical conductivity, thermal conductivity, and reflectivity of any metal. The metal occurs naturally in its pure, free form (native silver) and as an alloy with gold and other metals. Most silver is produced as a byproduct of copper, gold, lead, and zinc refining. Silver has been used for thousands of years for ornaments and utensils, trade, and as the basis for many monetary systems. Its value as a precious metal was long considered second only to gold.

Silver futures contract was the second contract launched on DGCX platform and offers international benchmark pricing contract for investors, speculators, hedgers and arbitragers.

  • Trade your views on the International benchmark Silver prices
  • Arbitrage opportunity with the highly correlated Silver contract based on Indian and other international benchmark prices.
  • Benefit from margin offset provided by DCCC for inter-commodity spreads
  • Low cost structure
  • USD denominated, Intention matching mechanism for delivery
  • Lot size of 1,000 troy ounces (Approx. 31 KG)
  • Tick size of USD 0.005 per troy ounce and tick value of USD 5
  • Efficient margining for optimal leverage
  • 5 contract months (covering approximately a calendar year) available at any given point of time
  • Live prices available under marketwatch link on DGCX website

Contract Specifications

Contract TypeFuture
Contract NameSilver
Contract SymbolDS
Underlying1,000 Troy Ounces (30kg) Silver cast in one bar, minimum fineness 0.999
Contract Size1,000 Troy Ounces
Notional Contract Value1,000 x Price
Trading CurrencyUSD
Settlement CurrencyUSD
Price QuoteUS Dollars per Troy Ounce
Tick SizeUS$ 0.005
Tick ValueUS$ 5
Settlement BasisCash Settled
Final Cash Settlement Price (FCSP)FCSP is based on the publicly available reference price displayed on Last Trading Day
Last Trading Day (LTD)Two business days prior to the last Business Day of the contract month
Trading DaysExchange Business Days
Trading Hours07:00 – 23:55 Hours Dubai time
Trading MonthsFebruary, April, June, August and November
New Contract ListingBusiness Day immediately following the Last Trading Day
Max Order Size200 Lots
Wholesale TradesBlock Trade minimum size threshold: 50 lots. EFP/EFS also available. Trades must be submitted 15 minutes after execution
No Cancellation RangeSee link:

Contract Calendar

Expiry MonthExpiry CodeLast Trading DayNotice Day Delivery Day